The aims and objectives of this alliance of civil societies are categorized under Advocacy, Research, Training and Networking.
Nigerian Human Rights Community, (NHRC) is committed to the promotion of human rights of people through advocacy. We carry out these activities in the following areas:
Campaign for constitutional reforms.
- Defense of the rights of economic, cultural and political minorities and ensure there is justice at all levels.
- Defense and promote of media rights.
- Protect and defend the rights of the less privileged.
- Campaign for fair representation of indigenous peoples and the defense of the rights of vulnerably poor.
- Campaign for institutional respect for the universal Declaration of Human Rights as entrenched in the United Nations, (UN) and the African peoples’ charter.
- Setting platforms for public involvement in policy formulation via public interaction with elected office holders.
- Conduct research on cultural, political and economic issues in Nigeria.
- Research and document cases of human right abuses across Nigeria.
- Monitoring and evaluation of budget implementation and the impact on the citizenry.
NHRC strongly believes in peaceful pursuit of its goals and aspirations and hold these principles dearly too. We employ the following methods:
- Litigation and Lobby
- Networking with other Non-Governmental Organizations, NGOs both locally and internationally.
- Peaceful protests.
- Campaign through bill posting and pamphleteering
· Collaboration with groups that share the same objectives locally and internationally